Thank you to the 75 people that showed up on July 29th to donate bood in memory of Ava. The South Bend Medical Foundation said they can't remember a time when so many people showed up for a drive. We were hoping to get forty people and they had to add staff and start an hour earlier to accomodate everyone! However, only 45 people (or 60%) were able to actually donate. Many were deferred for various reasons such as, 90 degree temperature, high/low blood pressure, open sores, low iron, etc. The Medical Foundation staff said this is normal especially because of the number of first time donars that arrived. Early in the day they told us not to be disappointed with the number of people who could not donate. They explained that it would be a success if 50% in attendance gave blood. So we were happy with the results and intend to make Ava's Memorial Blood Drive an annual event! Hope you can all join us again next year and we should all be more informed about the procedures to donate. We were especially glad to have sponsored the event as my grandma went into the hospital the very next day and needed two units of blood. Thank you for giving to or community!
Several of you have asked about the Walk in Ann Arbor in September. It is actually a one mile fun run. I had hoped to plan a nice event with matching T-shirts and a picnic lunch to follow. We were hoping several of Ava's followers could join us to support Mott Hospital's Pediatric Heart Unit. However, we are going to postpone this celebration until next year. I found out after the blood drive that I am just not ready yet. It was very rewarding to sponsor the event but also very emotional on Ava's 10 month birthday. So I know I will be a mess in September since she would have almost been one year old at the time of the run. I think it's better if we just go as a family this year. I know that you all understand and we would be honored if some of you would consider joining us next year for the event. Maybe then we can enjoy it a little bit, too. The run is on September 28th (one day before Ava's birthday) and if you would like to help us raise money for the event you can send it to us (email me if you don't know the address). The money we raise will go to Mott Children's Hospital where Ava lived her entire life.
Thanks again everyone! Jamie and I would be lost without you. "Good friends are like Angels, you don't have to see them to know they are there!"
Heart Hugs!